Model Utils API


Check whether your system is using a numpy version of at least 1.13, required for some modules for gradient calculations.


is_sufficient – True if numpy version >= 1.13, False otherwise.

Return type


pymoc.utils.gridit(x1, x2, f)

Generate a gridded dataset, based on a function in x1 and x2.

  • x1 (ndarray) – Grid points in the first dimension along which values are to be calculated.

  • x2 (ndarray) – Grid points in the second dimension along which values are to be calculated.

  • f (function) – A function in dimensions x1 and x2, that returns a single value for each pair of coordinate values.


gridded – A 2D array of shape (len(x1), len(x2))(), where each point gridded[i, j] = f(x1[i], x2[j])().

Return type


pymoc.utils.make_array(myst, axis, name)

Make an argument of unknown type into an array if needed, along the specified array.

  • myst (float, function, or ndarray) – The argument to be transformed. Either a single numerical value, a function in a single dimension, or an array.

  • axis (ndarray) – Grid points in the direction along which the array is to be created.

  • name (string) – Name of the variable being transformed into an array.


made_array – An array representing the data in myst, along axis:

  • If myst is an ndarray, simply returns myst.

  • If myst is a float, returns an array of length len(axis)() where each row contains the value of myst.

  • If myst is a function, returns an array of length len(axis)() where each row contains the value made_array[i]=myst(axis[i])().

Return type


pymoc.utils.make_func(myst, axis, name)

Make an argument of unknown type into a function if needed, in the dimension of the specified array.

  • myst (float, function, or ndarray) – The argument to be transformed. Either a single numerical value, a function in a single dimension, or an array.

  • axis (ndarray) – Grid points in the direction along which the function is to operate. If myst is an array, axis should be of the same length.

  • name (string) – Name of the variable being transformed into a function.


made_func – An function representing the data in myst, along axis:

  • If myst is a funcion, simply returns myst.

  • If myst is a float, returns a function that returns the value of myst.

  • If myst is an array, returns an function that operates along the same dimension as axis, which returns the value made_func(axis[i])=myst[i](), and interpolates values between points in axis.

Return type
